Presented by the Edmonton Downtown Canadian Progress Club
in Support of AdaptAbilities and Uncles & Aunts at Large
Website – AdaptAbilities
Website – Uncles & Aunts at Large
Bring the kids out to the Rodeo Kids Korral and enjoy loads of FREE Rodeo Themed family friendly activities!
11:00am – 3:00pm Saturday, November 5th, 2016
Dr. Wilbert McIntyre Park, next to the Old Strathcona Farmer’s Market
Cash and non-perishable food Donations are welcome for our Charities
Admission: FREE
Media Coverage
Donations to certain activities encouraged, food and beverage is a fixed cost.
Highlights: Marshmallow Roasting, live music, wagon rides, barrel racing, petting zoo, photos etc
Again, thank you for taking the time to consider promoting this free family event to the dedicated followers in your network, we look forward to seeing you out there!
- Join us for a Pig Roast BBQ!
- Learn how to throw a lasso with Miss Rodeo Canada Queens in the AdaptAbilities Kids Zone!
- Meet furry friends in the Petting zoo
- Warm-up and Roast Marshmallow and sm’ores next to the fire pits
- Get a picture taken with the Miss Rodeo Canada Queens!
- Enjoy live country music
- Wagon Rides
A special thanks to our community sponsors

Some shots from last year